Guided QUAD BIKE TOURS around South Africa's beautiful Route 62


Route 62 in South Africa - Tourist information - South African Tourism








1 hour R 270 per quad
2 hours R 390 per quad
3 hours R 570 per quad
4 hours R 720 per quad
6-7 hour mountain trail  R 750 per quad plus optional R 80 per head picnic lunch. (Recommended) 

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One adult per quad bike. Children under the age of 10 who cannot handle a quad by themselves, go with the guide or a parent on a quad – R80 per child per hour.(helmets sizes fit from 2 years old)- parents take all responsibility for their children.  


1 hour Karoo Trail R 270 per quad
2 hour Karoo Trail R 390 per quad
1 hour Mountain Trail R 270 per quad
2 hour Karoo plus 1 hour Mountain trail R 570
6-7 hour mountain trail - (difficult)
excluding R 80 per head picnic lunch.
R 750 per quad
2 Hour Mountain Trail (Difficult) R 390 per quad
1 hour Karoo + 1 hour mountain trail R 390 per quad
1 hour farm drive R 270 per quad
6-7 hour mountain trail 
excluding R 80 per head picnic lunch.
R 750 per quad
Guided tour on your own quad. R 90 per quad per hour
or any combination of your choice

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Other choices

Mountain trail : (6 or 7 hours excluding R 80 per head picnic lunch). Please bear in mind this is a challenging trip for the more experienced. No children allowed. R 750 per quad

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